May 28, 2009

So long, farewell!

After nearly four years at Bread for the City, it's time for me to say goodbye.

It has been a pleasure to work, learn, blog and grow with everyone here, and I look forward to applying all that I have learned to my new job at the DC Department of Health Care Finance.

The Department of Health Care Finance is a brand new agency within the DC government--established last October--that oversees the Medicaid and DC Health Care Alliance programs. I will be starting out working on eligibility policies and I really look forward to all of the challenges that I know will come with that role. I'm certain that the discussions that I've had with BFC clients and staff will help guide me as I work on these issues.

I know this is not really goodbye to Bread for the City--I'll be back to visit regularly--but to all who I have worked with over the years, thank you for everything! This is a great place, and I look forward to seeing all that BFC will accomplish in the years to come.
PS My job at BFC has been really great...and now it's going to be vacant. It could be yours!

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