Representative Boehner lets the Constitution get in the way of legislation.
Don't ask me why I was watching C-SPAN last night as the House tried to override President Bush's veto, but I was. Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was the first to bring up a small, unimportant, microscopic problem: their vote wasn't Constitutional!
As the Minority Leader pointed out, Title III of the Farm Bill, 34 pages of legislation covering domestic and foreign aid and whether the Executive had the authority to buy food internationally and sell it in the country of origin (or in this case the lack of authority) was utterly forgotten because of--and you'll never believe this--a clerical error. No one checks these things?
The Bill was locked up. Congress had a great plan to embarass our President. The House was meeting late in the night so that they could prove for all to see that President Bush's veto couldn't, even for one day, stop a bill from passing into law. What they ended up with is a testament to the gross incompetence that has become synonymous with both parties in Congress. Now they're going to have to vote the whole Farm Bill through both houses, have the President veto it, and then vote to override again.
And here people were chiding me for saying the Farm Bill would never pass.
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